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number Array.IndexOf(any[], any) 

Description ​

Returns the index (position) of an first instance of an item in an array

Arguments ​

any[] - The array to search for the specified item in
any - The item you want to find the index of

Returns ​

number - The index of the item in the array, or -1 if it isn't present

Example ​

// Predefines
using Console;
using Array;

// EXAMPLE 1 - Illustration of Array.Length
string[] sentence = new string[5];

sentence[1] = "Sometimes";
sentence[2] = "I";
sentence[3] = "dream";
sentence[4] = "about";
sentence[5] = "cheese"; // CHEEEEEEEESE

//Find Index of the string "cheese"

number index = Array.IndexOf(sentence, "cheese");

//Print out the index
