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string[] Org.GetMembers() 

Description ​

Gets an array of SteamID's in the org

Returns ​

string[] - An array of SteamID's in the org

Example ​

using System;
using Org;
using Array;
using Console;
using Player;
using Util;

// Prints the org members (name or steamid) of the player using the terminal.

Player user = System.GetUser();
Org org = Org.GetOrg(user);

    // If the org is valid, it means it exists.

    Console.WriteLine("Org name: ";
    Console.WriteLine("Member count: "..Util.ToString(numMembers));

    string[] members = org.GetMembers();
    number numMembers = Array.Length(members);
    number memberIndex = 1;

    while(memberIndex <= numMembers){
        // For each member, get their SteamID from the array, and look for an online player.
        string steamid = members[memberIndex];
        Player ply = Player.GetBySteamID(steamid);

        string name = steamid;

            // If the player is valid, then they are online, so we can get their name.
            name = ply.GetName();

        Console.WriteLine("Member: ";

        // Add 1 to the member index to move on to the next member.
        memberIndex = memberIndex + 1;