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StringResult IFTTT.Post(Secret, string) 

Description ​

Posts a request to IFTTT webhook service.

Arguments ​

Secret - The secret containing the IFTTT webhook auth key
string - The Event name assigned to IFTTT webhook.

Returns ​


Example ​

using System;
using Web;
using Secrets;

// Example key goto https://ifttt.com/maker_webhooks/settings to get your key.
// Event is the name created when making your applet.

// You need to make sure the secret is set beforehand with 'secret add ifttt-key <YOUR_KEY_HERE>'
// Your webhook shoud look something like "QdjsakdkAFHkjfh78AJmL"
Secret secret = Secrets.GetSecret("ifttt-key");

string event = "music";

// Creates a IFTTT, adds some fields and posts it to your webhook
IFTTT hook = new IFTTT();

hook.Post(secret, event);