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number Array.Length(any[]) 

Description ​

Returns the length (size) of the array

Arguments ​

any[] - The array to get the length of

Returns ​

number - The length of the array

Example ​

// Predefines
using Console;
using Array;

// EXAMPLE 1 - Illustration of Array.Length
string[] sentence = new string[5];

sentence[1] = "Sometimes";
sentence[2] = "I";
sentence[3] = "dream";
sentence[4] = "about";
sentence[5] = "cheese"; // CHEEEEEEEESE

Console.WriteLine("There are " .. Array.Length(sentence) .. " words in this sentence!");

// OUTPUT: "There are 5 words in this sentence!"

// EXAMPLE 2 - Application of Array.Length
number[] intervals = [1, 2, 5, 10];

// Calculate the length once. In a loop, every time it's done with an iteration, it recalculates the condition to check if it needs to proceed
// with the next iteration. Calling Array.Length every time in between iterations can be expensive.

number len = Array.Length(intervals);

number i = 1;
while(i < len) // Not counting the last index, so we don't error by indexing out of bounds
    // Calculate the interval
    number nextIndex = i + 1;
    number interval = intervals[nextIndex] - intervals[i];

    Console.WriteLine("[Index pair " .. i .. ", " .. nextIndex  .. "] Interval: " .. interval);

    i = i + 1;

// [Index pair 1, 2] Interval: 1
// [Index pair 2, 3] Interval: 3
// [Index pair 3, 4] Interval: 5