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bool Business.IsEmployeeOf(string, Player) 

Description ​

Returns whether the Player is an employee of a business

Arguments ​

string - The business name (Case sensitive)
Player - The Player to check

Returns ​

bool - True if the player is an employee of this business

Example ​

using Console;
using Player;
using Business;

Player ply = Player.GetBySteamID("STEAM_0:0:50203401");

if (Business.IsEmployeeOf("Big Bonk", ply))
    Console.WriteLine(ply.GetName() .. " is a member of Big Bonk!")
// Business.IsEmployeeOf checks if the player is invalid internally, guaranteeing that we can call ply.GetName() safely above. If we returned false,
// it may be because our player WASN'T valid. Let's check this before continueing:
    if (ply.IsValid()) 
        Console.WriteLine(ply.GetName() .. " is NOT a member of Big Bonk!")
    else // We must be invalid :c
        Console.WriteLine("Player was invalid!")