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number Business.GetSharesValue(number) 

Description ​

Returns the monetary value of given shares

Arguments ​

number - The amount of shares (Can only be between [0; 1000]. Is clamped internally). Fallbacks as '-1' if something goes wrong (e.g the business is invalid).

Returns ​

number - The monetary value of the given amount of shares for this business

Example ​

using Console;
using Util;
using Business;

// Figure out how much each share quantity is worth in a customized interval
Business egg = Business.GetBusiness("Egg");

function ShareInterval(number interval)
    number iterations = egg.GetShareCount() / interval;
    number i = 1;
    while (i < iterations + 1)
        // Calculate our shares
        number sharesCount = i * interval;
        number value = egg.GetSharesValue(sharesCount);
        Console.WriteLine("[" .. sharesCount .. " shares]: " .. Util.FormatMoney(value));
        i = i + 1;

Console.WriteLine("Series 1 (interval = 100):");
Console.WriteLine("Series 2 (interval = 250):");

// Series 1 (interval = 100):
// [100 shares]: $8,000,000
// [200 shares]: $16,000,000
// [300 shares]: $24,000,000
// [400 shares]: $32,000,000
// [500 shares]: $40,000,000
// [600 shares]: $48,000,000
// [700 shares]: $56,000,000
// [800 shares]: $64,000,000
// [900 shares]: $72,000,000
// [1000 shares]: $80,000,000
// Series 2 (interval = 250):
// [250 shares]: $20,000,000
// [500 shares]: $40,000,000
// [750 shares]: $60,000,000
// [1000 shares]: $80,000,000