Banking library ​
No description available
Classes ​
Functions ​
BankAccount[] Banking.GetBankAccounts(Business, string)
- Returns an array of BankAccount objects for all the accounts found. You MUST have access to see the bank accounts holders in the desired bank!
BankAccountType[] Banking.GetBankAccountTypes(Business)
- Returns an array of BankAccountType objects for all the accounts found. You MUST have access to see the bank accounts in the desired bank!
Business[] Banking.GetBanks()
- Returns an array of Business objects for all existing banks.
Business Banking.GetPrimaryBank(Player)
- Returns the Business for a player's primary bank.
Business[] Banking.GetRelevantBanks(Player)
- Returns an array of Business objects for all existing banks sorted by relevance for a player. I.E. primary bank first, banks with accounts second, thens sorted by valuation.
StringResult Banking.RequestAccountLogs(BankAccount, number, number)
- Requests the account logs for a BankAccount Sorted newest to oldest.
StringResult Banking.RequestAccountManagementAccess(BankAccount)
- Requests access to manage a bank account. This allows the script to manage transactions and deposits for the account. (CAN ONLY BE USED ON PAYMENT KIOSK TERMINALS)
StringResult Banking.SetPrimaryBank(Business)
- Requests to set the primary bank for the user of the terminal.