Math library ​
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Functions ​
- Returns the absolute value of the specified number
- Returns the angle whose cosine is the given number
- Returns the angle whose sine is the given number
- Returns the angle whos tangent is the given number
- Converts a binary string to a number.
- Returns the number provided, but rounded up to the nearest whole number
- Returns the cosine of the specified angle
- Converts the number of degrees provided into radians
- Returns the number provided, but rounded down to the nearest whole number
- Converts a number to a binary string.
- return the natural logarithm of x (to base e).
- Returns the largest of the two values provided
- Returns the smallest of the two values provided
- Converts the number of radians provided into degrees
- Generates a random number between 0-1
number Math.RandomRange(number, number)
- Generates a random number inside the range (Inclusive).
- Returns the number provided, but rounded to the nearest integer
- Returns the number provided to the number of decimal places provided
- Returns the sine of the specified angle
- Calculates the square root of the number provided
- Returns the tangent of the specified angle